Within the past two months, this is all I’ve been hearing.
“So and so is getting married..”
“Did you hear so and so got married?”
“Hey, come to my wedding okay…”
Oh.my.goodness. It has begun. That intrepid age where your friends start dropping like flies into the churches, temples, expensive hotels and cheap Chinese restaurants.
It begins with friends you’re not so close to. That outer circle. Then slowly but surely it moves and creeps up on you, and suddenly, *gasp horror* - it’s your best friends wedding. And hopefully you’re not the last one standing.
I’m such a kiasu. And yet I like the idea of being an individual. I have to say the realization of growing up has never felt more daunting. I guess sometimes people grow up on their own, sometimes it’s just because they’re pushed into it by some sort of social ‘pressure.’
Looking back on my first blog, I suppose it’s good I’ve had a fair two years to whine and go – “I want to get married!” so much so that now, I’ve come to a new epiphany that I’m actually quite happy just being.
Just being able to go out whenever I like, just being stupid whenever I want, just being able to say ‘no thanks, I feel like staying at home.’ Just not having to worry about another person.
Having said that it’s not like I’m not on the look-out. But okay, my new thing is – I’m going to enjoy the moment for what it’s worth, and when I find him, then I’ll be ready to move on to the next level. In the meantime….
Things to do before I get married:
1) Travel more in my single-state
2) Spend time with girlfriends and have great single-hood conversations
3) Go on lots of dates (but only ones which are worth spending time with)
4) Spend time with my guy friends (the older I get, the more I feel we won’t be spending as much quality time together once we’ve gotten hitched)
5) Worry less
6) Enjoy every moment
7) Live in another country.
There. Oh yes, and in the process, make out with a hot guy/s. Yum.